What made an impact on you in the last two years?

The past two years brought me closer to myself and my core values. What probably, besides my studies, had the most significant impact was last year to accompany my grandmother, with which I was very close to me, in the death. It was kind of a new step towards myself and my values. And at the same time, having a shitload of projects and side jobs (for example, as a sitting guard at the hospital) was overwhelming but also a part of my journey. Working at the Church project outside of the school was a great experience in many ways. Having it realised and giving the people some harmony and a short escape from their daily lives and connecting with different aged people was a fantastic experience. Overall I realised that a generalistic approach is a good thing and can be a reasonable core skill. And my biggest learning was that daily progress beats perfectionism! I know now in what environment I want to work and with whom I want to spend my time.

What was your impact on others?

What I mostly concluded is that through my everydays project @everywiss I can inspire people. My learning of "progress beats perfectionism" can help others to heal from a loud inner critic. As I know from friends, besides being inspiring, I also helped them get another perspective on things and be more emphatic to others and themselves. I am a very committed person, and I think, it is nice for people to know that they can count on me. Same as David said about his hospital experience, I also made an impact when I worked as a sitting guard. Holding people the hand and being there for them, looking after them, was certainly a contribution. - For them and for me.