What would be my worst nightmare relating to my Bachelor Project?

My worst nightmare would be to make things worse than they are right now. Of course, my intent with the bachelor thesis, such as many others, is to impact my surroundings and environment. If this fails, pretty much the intent would fail. It would be great to help people regain and enhance creativity instead of making them lose it. Or have a bad image in mind of creativity itself.

What I am currently struggling with is that I kinda attach more importance than I want to to the opinion of others. Not in every field and every second and so on. For example, while doing my dailies on @everywiss, I'm totally in balance with that. Still, it is something that holds me back sometimes in other fields. Therefore, it would be a nightmare if I figured out at the end of my diploma that I did not follow my inner gut or intention as much as I should, just because I balanced that wrong.

My bachelor project does not change anything about climate change, it does not change something in politics, and it does not stop racism or other forms of discrimination. The intended is to change something personally/individually and in a community. It might have some domino effects about changing things indirectly. It should help open the mind and be more in balance maybe. This could change in a bigger picture many things around the other corner. When people are more creative and imaginative, they are better solution finders. Therefore it would indirectly change that.

Former Bachelor Projects

I choose the project "Micro-Contribution" regarding the topic I tackle because I see some similarities of interest. I like the intend and the case of the project. As far as I can grasp by looking at the video and the description, I somehow did not figure out an exact outcome that was hands-on. I would have liked to get an easy call to action, how I can provide such a contribution or how I can be mindful about it in daily life. It seems that the project mainly stayed in a theoretical phase. I would have pushed it further to implement it more into a practical outcome that then makes an impact.

Find my Final Assessment here →
