Today's session covered the joy of research. We talked about how we would like to design our research process during our bachelor thesis. Therefore we paired us in groups of two, with people that want to tackle a similar topic. In these groups, we thought and discussed different methods that might fit into the subject we are interested in.

I grouped to Nemo. We talked about involving people in the process through hosted workshops and interviews. Furthermore, we also spoke about peer groups. Since some of our classmates, the same as me, will probably do the BA alone, it would be helpful for us to create a kind of peer group. A space that allows us to discuss, exchange, and collaborate. That would be really helpful to keep the outside perspective in balance and not get stuck.

Here is a list of some things the class gathered:

This week's assignment was to make an observation and write it down. The goal was to observe and analyze a situation that matches our interest for our BA thesis.

Since I am currently working with my colleagues on an installation for Zauberwald at Lenzerheide, I choose the prototyping process of an essential piece for my observation.

We had to build the framework of a heart that would be equipped with textile and later on projected with visuals.

It has many pitfalls to build that thing and find a working shape.

Nevertheless, we approached it playfully and creatively. Since I strongly believe in creativity as a problem-solving hero, I think that helped us create a form that perfectly fits our requirements. We also chose to communicate openly and tried to let our inner child free to make that joyful environment.
