Today’s class was about discussing what Interaction Design is and summarizing several keywords of it.

“Let’s call it critical design that questions the cultural, social, and ethical implications of emerging technologies. A form of design that can help us to define the most desirable futures and avoid the least desirable.”– Anthony Dunne & Fiona Raby (quote source)

All about Methods

We talked about the methods we used in the last module. After reflecting on us, we wrote each step down on a post-it. It turns out that almost all of us intuitively used a behavior pattern for design processes already.

Process Digital Fabrication, Sonia & Alessia

Process Digital Fabrication, Sonia & Alessia

Sonia and I concluded that our process was good but sometimes a bit too much focused on talking, philosophizing, and finding a meaningful manner instead of just trying out and exploring different ways.

**The Executive Method

investigation, play, every day, tensions, enactment, dissemination**

Investigation ➔ confronting the topic, read literature, related works

Play ➔ prototyping, learning skills, trials and errors

Everyday ➔ real world, pop culture, observations, discourse, user